Saturday, November 7, 2015

Life Quotes

1.      You are your universe.

2.      Only you can feel yourself. Only you can love yourself. Only you can motivate yourself. Only you can judge yourself. Only you can hurt yourself.

3.      We all are connected energetically as one. So one's thought or vibration can reach everyone.

4.      Love for love's sake.

5.      Love someone to the extreme that you can let go of them for their happiness because the separation is only for this physical body. In energy/vibration, you are eternally connected with them.

6.      Let go of people who wants to leave your life. Invite new people who want to share their life with you.

7.      You are creating your reality.

8.      People are coming into your life only with your invitation and for a reason.

9.      Love is the only answer for everything. Love is freedom. Love is detachment. Love is patience. Love is forgiveness. Love is acceptance. Love is letting go. Love is fearlessness.

10. Love, forgiveness, patience, compassion - key elements of life

11. Embrace all aspects of yourself both good and bad. Similarly, embrace all aspects of others as the way they are, not the way you want them to be.

12. Focus on what you feel/want, not what you don't want.

13. The relationship you have with others is the reflection of relationship you have with yourself.

14. True marriage is between the masculine and feminine within you. The girl or guy you meet for relationship is the reflection of that masculine or feminine. So, first get married with yourself.

15. If you don't like the aspect of yourself that feels hurt or think always negatively, that is the aspect requires more love. Love those aspects as much as you can.

16. Connect with the divine God/Goddess within you.

17. By forgiving others you are forgiving yourself. By loving others you are loving yourself.

18. Opposite of love is not hate, but fear. Love is fearlessness, open to vulnerability.

19. Being with yourself is the way to become yourself.

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