Sunday, November 22, 2015

Lunaception - Natural Contraception and Regulation of Menstrual Cycle

These days, women take contraceptive pills or use intrauterine devices for contraception. Some women do take pills to get their cycle just once a year. The technology has even gone to the extent to suppress the menstrual cycles with the new no-period, no-PMS birth control pills because the society merely sees the menstrual cycle as a physical process. However, it is the centre of women’s life, men’s life, relationship as well as the entire cosmos. But now our life is centred with the pills to control this beautiful natural cycle artificially.  The main reason is that we don’t pay attention to our body’s needs, emotional needs. We are just stressed due to the discordance between the need to live like a man (masculine qualities: rationality, competitive, etc.) to survive in this society and the internal quest within us to have a touch with our feminine (creativity, intuition, being with yourself, etc.). Moreover, long term intake of hormonal tablets may also affect our health. Lunaception refers aligning your menstrual cycle with moon cycle for regulating the cycle as well as for natural contraception. I explain this process very short and easy to understand, so that we can connect with this beautiful monthly process of death and rebirth (menstrual cycle) to connect with our body, heart, soul, nature and the man of our life. For more detail please read the book Lunaception by Louise Lacey.
In short, we control or balance our hormonal cycles with lights. By nature, we are tuned to get our cycle during the new moon and ovulate in full moon. From first day to 13nth day of our cycle, please sleep in absolute darkness where we can’t even see our fingers. Please even stay away from blue lights of electronic items in your bedroom too. From 14nth day (third day of your vaginal wetness) to 16nth day, sleep with light on. Switch on the light in the hall way or in the bathroom and let little light to come into the bedroom to mimic the full moon light while you ovulate. Again sleep in complete darkness from day 17 until day 14 of your next cycle. Practise this for 6 months to one year. Soon your cycle will coincide with the moon cycle.
To avoid pregnancy, just don’t have sex or use protection for the three days while you sleep with light on. Please pay attention that women have the potential to ovulate twice a month. One is normal ovulation (around 14nth day of their menstrual cycle) and another is lunar ovulation. Lunar ovulation is the time of fertility in women when the current moon phase is the moon phase of the day she was born. Lunar ovulation is independent of the ovulation in her hormonal cycle. We are more fertile in the moon phase we born. So when you don’t want pregnancy consider both the ovulation.

How the lights we are exposed at night affect our hormonal system: The moon light detected by our eyes reaches pineal gland and regulates the level of melatonin. Melatonin level has direct effect on our reproductive cycle including beginning of menstrual cycle (menarche – the first menstrual cycle in women’s life), ending of menstrual cycle (menopause – the last menstrual cycle), duration as well as frequency of our monthly cycle. Exposure to light at night controls the melatonin production, which in turn affects the function of hypothalamus and its ability to regulate our hormonal system. 

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